Monday, May 30, 2011

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is a very controversial president, as to whether he was positive or negative for America. Although he was part of the whole Watergate scandal, i still feel he was a good president. I think this because his whole campaign was about law and order, which many Americans at the time were in search of. Americans wanted a stable environment and Nixon was saying he could give this to them. Nixon also had his foreign policy work where he was the 1st president to have true interactions with China. This led to Nixon opening trade with China, which is still a huge impact on our country today. Also, Nixon had his Civil Rights Work where he signed bills that gave women equal working rights and rights to the same pay as men. By signing these bills Nixon equaled out some professions, giving women the equal rights they deserve. Though people believe that Nixon was a shady and dishonest man because of the whole scandal, he was a beneficial president of our country.

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