Monday, November 22, 2010

The Great Depression

In an effort to learn firsthand what it was like to lie during the Great Depression, write ten questions that you might ask someone who lived through it.

1. What was it like living in a Hooverville?
2.What was it like to tell your children there was no money left?

3. How did your family react to this whole situation?

4. What was it like to lose all of your belongings?

5. How did you find food to eat without money?

6. Did the government promise to pay all the money back?

7. What did the rich people do during this time, while so many people were struggling?

8. How many people died from starvation?

9. Did you ever have an success with finding a job?
10. What was is like going  from being wealthy to being in a time of poverty?

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